Van wert times bulletin


Times Bulletin Media, Newspapers, Internet Newspaper. 700 Fox Road; PO Box 271 Van Wert, OH 45891. (419) 238-2285

The newspapers can be browsed or searched using a computer-generated index. Van Wert Police. September 13, 5:08 p.m. — James R. Hayhurst II, 35, of 332 N. Chestnut St., was arrested in the 1000 block of East Sycamore Street on a warrant issued on behalf of the Van Wert County Sheriff’s Office. September 12, 3:40 p.m. — Patricia A. High, 60, of 214 N. Jefferson St., was issued a summons for a junk complaint. Van Wert Times-Bulletin 1928-1930, 1940-1942, 1954-1959, 1967-1976 Newspaper Archive at FindMyPast Van Wert Weekly Bulletin 1865-1892 Newspaper Archive at FindMyPast Willshire Newspapers and Obituaries Council Meetings are the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month 515 East Main Street Municipal Building Van Wert, Ohio 45891.

Van wert times bulletin

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Van Wert Times-Bulletin 1928-1930, 1940-1942, 1954-1959, 1967-1976 Newspaper Archive at FindMyPast Van Wert Weekly Bulletin 1865-1892 Newspaper Archive at FindMyPast Willshire Newspapers and Obituaries Council Meetings are the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month 515 East Main Street Municipal Building Van Wert, Ohio 45891. Get Directions (419) 238-0308 Monday-Friday, 8AM to 4:30PM ET Van Wert is a city in and the county seat of Van Wert County, Ohio, United States. The municipality is located in northwestern Ohio approximately 77 mi (123 km) SW of Toledo and 34 mi (54 km) SE of Fort Wayne, Indiana. Van Wert Fire strives to keep pace with emerging programs and trainings so we can continually provide the finest services possible to our citizens, business owners and visitors. “Guarding My Every Neighbor,” is the department motto and the professionalism and dedication for our neighbors is our first mission, every day.

Edition of The Van Wert Times-Bulletin Tuesday, April 3, 1973 On A group of citizens, opposing the enlargement of the Municipal airport in its present location, plans to place the issue on the ballot.

Karl Kahler Jr., 59, of Lima, pleaded not guilty to one count each of robbery and failure to comply with the order or signal of a police officer (fleeing), each a felony of the third degree; grand theft, a felony of the fourth degree; and theft, a fifth-degree Obituaries can be emailed to or faxed to 419.238.2578. As of January 15, 2020, the Van Wert independent will no longer accept no-cost death notices. The cost of full obituaries will remain at $50 (including a photo).

Feb 5, 2020 Fixed-target efficient search reaction times (RTs) increase as a logarithmic function of set size. 2014; Wolfe, Horowitz, & Kenner, 2005; Wolfe & Van Wert, 2010), such that it Psychonomic Bulletin & Rev

515 East Main Street Municipal Building #207 Van Wert, Ohio 45891. Get Directions (419) 238-6020 (419) 238-4920 Fax. Monday-Friday, 8AM to 4:30PM ET. Jen Adams – Tax Administrator Dec 29, 2020 Van Wert Times Bulletin newspaper was located in Van Wert, Ohio.

Van Wert. O.. Tuesday, Oct. 19, 1976 Farm Grain Wagons Involved In Crashes Van Wert Post, Ohio Highway Patrol, reported a Leipsic truck driver was injured at p.m. Monday when he swerved his outfit to miss grain wagons on Ohio 613 near the State Line Road just west of Times Bulletin in Van Wert, reviews by real people. Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what’s great and not so great in Van Wert and beyond. 2 days ago · VAN WERT — First United Methodist Church in Van Wert is offering a time for people in the community to enter His house of worship for a time of meditation and reflection.

The clinic will be walk-in only and no appointments VAN WERT – The Marsh Foundation has been committed to serving children and families for 100 years. Throughout the past century, the State of Ohio has often determined that facilities need to VAN WERT — The registration of kindergarten children attending Van Wert City Schools for the 2021-2022 school year will be held March 1 to March 26 from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the superintendent’s Times Bulletin Media, Van Wert, Ohio. 6,134 likes · 448 talking about this · 45 were here. The Times Bulletin 1167 Westwood Drive, Suite 101 PO Box 271 Van Wert, Ohio 45891 Phone: (419)238-2285 Fax JA of Van Wert County programming is performed by volunteers and reaches more than 1,500 students each school year, focusing on financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and work readiness. “Whenever a community shows its youth that they matter and are important, the community and the youth will succeed,” noted Drs. Carl Jeffery and Jessica Obituaries can be emailed to or faxed to 419.238.2578.

the Van Wert Police Department made a traffic stop on a silver in color Chevy Equinox on E. Central St. Tate Van Wert; Times-Bulletin; Times-Bulletin. 700 Fox Rd. Van Wert, Ohio 45891. Van Wert County (419) 238-2285. Obituary Information. Times-Bulletin - Online Newspaper. The Van Wert Times-Bulletin was published in Van Wert, Ohio and with 8,639 searchable pages from.

Van wert times bulletin

Read 1928-1977 Van Wert Times Bulletin Newspaper Archives from Van-Wert, Ohio. Genealogy and family history records include: obituaries, births,  Year Opened: 1844 700 Fox Road Van Wert OH 45891. Contact. David Thornberry, General Manager Kim Army, Media Sales Representative Local: 419 -238-  High School: A 2016 graduate of Van Wert High School was a four-year in the conference selected to the 2015 Times Bulletin Tri-County All-Dream Team   Apr 26, 2019 Having published articles in County Living Magazine, and the Van Wert Times Bulletin as a ghost writer for the musical Little Shop of Horrors,  Van Wert.

at the superintendent’s Times Bulletin Media, Van Wert, Ohio. 6,134 likes · 448 talking about this · 45 were here.

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Oct 19, 1976 · Times-Bulletin, The (Newspaper) - October 19, 1976, Van Wert, Ohiorr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r t r r r r 18 Times-Bulletin. Van Wert. O.. Tuesday, Oct. 19, 1976 Farm Grain Wagons Involved In Crashes Van Wert Post, Ohio Highway Patrol, reported a Leipsic truck driver was injured at p.m. Monday when he swerved his outfit to miss grain wagons on Ohio 613 near the State Line Road just west of

Van Wert Times-Bulletin (Newspaper) - July 5, 1967, Van Wert, Ohio20 Times-Bulletin, Von Wert, 0., Wed., July 5, 1967 Van Wert Court Cases VETERINARIAN'S OFFICE Wert Police investigated a breaking and entering of Dr. H.E. Wilkin's office, 114 N. Walnut St., which was reported Tuesday morning. Van Wert Times Bulletin (Newspaper) - January 4, 1957, Van Wert, Ohio2 Times-Bulfetin, Von Wert, Ohio, Friday, January 4, 1957 Brief Items From Neighboring Towns PAULDING—Tho first of seven identified itself as “Channel 15, Hungarian refugees who made the [ Fort Wayne” for the first time, flight for freedom across the Aus* The move came as a result of trian border during the recent up Completed forms may be dropped off at the Jubilee Park office located at 137 Gleason Ave, Van Wert, or mailed to 515 E Main St, Van Wert. In addition, sign-ups will be accepted in the Jubilee Park office, Monday-Friday, between 8 a.m. until 4 p.m.